Dealer Profile | Music Sanctuary | Singapore

Music Sanctuary is the premiere headphone / IEM shop in Singapore and in the Philippines. Calvin started the business with friends a few years back and it’s a huge success based on using modern sales practices and the belief in transparency and fairness and no hidden costs. These guys are truly onto something.

What's the history behind Music Sanctuary? When did the company start?

Music Sanctuary was founded in 2014 when our directors wanted to overcome the challenges of ordering custom in-ear monitors in Singapore. There was a lack of transparency, and the journey was laden with hidden/additional costs which made the CIEM purchase experience an unfriendly one. As such, Music Sanctuary was founded to change all of that.

Tells us more about your attention to customer service, please.

We believe that there are 2 different segments that are part of the CIEM purchase experience (or any purchase experience for the matter): before-sales and after-sales. While this should go without saying, we feel that the customer should experience unparalleled customer service. Let me further elaborate on what we think are key primary factors in the 2 segments of the CIEM purchase experience.
Before-sales: Ease of Purchase
One of the biggest obstacles of purchasing a pair of custom in-ear monitors is how challenging it is to purchase one in the first place. First, you have to choose which monitor is right for you, then you have to worry about getting a set of ear impressions made; which audiologist to visit, how much does the impression cost; which audiologist offer a better value, et cetera. Finally, there is the matter of shipping, which brings about a whole other set of decisions; which shipping company to use, which service should you opt for, et cetera. That that is without mentioning the additional costs involved. As you can see, purchasing a set of CIEMs can be rather daunting.
Music Sanctuary was founded on the basis of bringing those worries and challenges away from the CIEM purchasing experience and offer the customer a one-stop solution for their CIEM purchase. The prices that we offer on our CIEMs are net prices excluding special or premium design options. That is inclusive of the ear impressions, and shipping to-and-fro. There is no hidden costs involved, and we have partnering certified audiologists that gets the impressions done for our customers.
It is a simple 3-step process to order CIEMs with us.
1. Choose the monitor that is right for you. Our staff on site will assist the customer in choosing the right monitor for them. Audio enthusiasts can let us know what genre of music that they listen to, and we will be able to recommend the monitor that is most suited for the genre(s). Musicians can also let us know what instruments that they play, or what will they be using their CIEMs for, be it audio engineering or to monitor live performances and we will be able to recommend the model accordingly.
2. Make the order with us. Again, our staff will facilitate the order making process and give advise on shell color combinations as well as custom design processing.
3. Get your ear impressions done. Our staff will assist you in booking an appointment to get a set of ear impressions done at our partnering audiologist.
And after that, Music Sanctuary will take care of the rest. It is that simple. We try to make the order process as painless and as seamless as possible in order to make the CIEM ordering experience as pleasant and friendly as possible.
After-sales: Ongoing Support
We feel that the relationship between the customer and Music Sanctuary should go beyond the initial purchase of the in-ear monitor and that the relationship should go a long way. After purchasing and receiving your IEM, in the off-chance that you face any issues with your CIEMs, just bring them into the store and let us know, and we will send them back to the manufacturer at no charge. The only charge that we will impose on RMAs would be the repair costs that the manufacturer charge.
Music Sanctuary also offers free CIEM maintenance. Customers can bring their CIEM in and we will clean and remove any debris from the bore of the CIEM at no cost. We have a hearing aid vacuum in the store so should there be any debris that is too far into the bore of the CIEM and it is out of the reach of the provided cleaning tool, we will be able to remove it using the vacuum. We have a dryer in the store as well, so we are able to dry out any moisture or condensation in the IEM that has build up over time.
We also have an after-market cable upgrade program where we would offer a small discount on an upgrade cable with every CIEM purchase. And get this - that discount will not expire! You do not have to make a decision then and there; you can come back to us to take advantage of the upgrade program whenever you are comfortable and itching for an upgrade.
As you can see, we emphasize a lot on the experience of not only purchasing a CIEM, but owning one as well. To us, CIEMs are a premium product - be it the entry level model like the UE4, or the state-of-the-art flagship like the UE18+ Pro - and that there should be premium service to go along with it, which is why we take customer service and experience so seriously.

What's been your favorite UE product or development?

It has definitely got to be the Reference Remastered. We feel that the Reference Remastered is UE's testament to innovation and pushing the boundaries of in-ear technology. The collaboration between UE and Capitol Studios shows the commitment and dedication to bring the best to UE's customers.
Music Sanctuary values our relationship with our all of manufacturers. We feel that both the manufacturers and dealers should collaborate and commit to bringing the best to our customers. We also work closely our manufactuerers to provide on-the-ground feedback of their products that we receive from customers and users.
This is why all of us at Music Sanctuary are so excited to be part of the UE family and we know that together, we will be able to achieve great things in future.

Lastly, what can UE customers expect when they visit Music Sanctuary?

Any customer that walks through the doors of Music Sanctuary can expect utmost transparency in terms of our pricing structure and products. They can expect a very painless CIEM purchasing experience and journey, as well as premium and ongoing support even after they have purchased from us.
Music Sanctuary is run by individuals that are extremely passionate about audio and this industry, and we do not treat the people who come to Music Sanctuary as mere customers. We strive to provide a very personal experience to anyone who walks through our doors. Our staff are warm and friendly, and we promise we do not bite! Many who walk in as customers, walk out as friends.
Rather than building up a portfolio of regular customers, we strive to build up a community of like-minded individuals. We encourage customers to walk in any time to have a chat and hang out with us. We are always discussing the latest developments in the industry and we love to hear inputs from members of the community.
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