Bass Player calls the UE 11 Pro "among the best money can buy, especially for bass players."

A new review in Bass Player calls the UE 11 PRO:

"The UE 11 PRO in-ear monitors are among the best money can buy, especially for bass players."
The author Jonathan Herrera, goes on to say:
"The impact on clarity is phenomenal. And while there are many generic models to choose from that feature general-purpose earpieces, to get the most out of the in-ear monitoring experience, it’s wise to go with a set of custom-fit in-ears like the UE 11 PROs....I tried the UE 11’s on all kinds of sources, both as live-sound monitors and as general purpose headphones. They sounded amazing. if you’re deeply invested in switching to in-ear monitors and you care about strong and authoritative bass response, there is no better option out there."


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