Salo Loyo: "The clarity and fullness of the sound instantly inspires you!"

A professional keyboardist since 1985, Loyo has had the opportunity over his career to work with artists as diverse as Luis Miguel, Jon Anderson, Marco Antonio Solis, Charlie Zaa, and Howard Hewitt,

He’s travelled the world and even gotten a nod from the Latin Grammy’s for his work. We caught up with Salo and got to talking about getting started in music, his love of playing and producing, and what it was like getting noticed by the Academy.

Traducción en español en cursiva


Do you have a preference between playing live and producing?

I enjoy both very much. I couldn’t just do one or the other and I believe it helps to be involved in both to have a better understanding of each. It helps to know what it takes to play a song live and make it sound the way it’s supposed to and vice versa.

Realmente disfruto mucho de los dos, no me veo solo haciendo uno o el otro y en mi opinión es necesario y de gran beneficio el conocer sobre los dos ámbitos ya que el conocer y saber lo necesario para hacer que una pieza suene como debe ser en vivo, definitivamente ayuda a la hora de escribir o producir y vice-versa.


How did you come to discover Ultimate Ears?

Through the grapevine and fellow players I heard of UE, and in 2002 when I joined Luis Miguel I got my first set, I instantly fell in love with the sound quality, I felt as if I was playing in a totally different way than I had, and I loved it. I’ve been using UE ever since and now to be a part of the UE family is an amazing honor.

Fue por medio de amigos y compañeros músicos, al igual que revistas y artículos; en el 2002 fue cuando me hice parte del equipo de la gira de Luis Miguel, cuando finalmente tuve mi primer par e instantáneamente me enamoré de la calidad del sonido… me di cuenta que me influenciaba positivamente en la manera en la que tocaba y me gustó. Desde entonces he sido un fiel cliente de UE y el ahora ser parte de la familia UE, es un gran honor.


Do you feel that Ultimate Ears helps on stage or in the studio, if so how?

The clarity and fullness of the sound instantly inspires you. It also has helped save my hearing since I don’t have to expose my ears to the very loud volume of the stage and side fills.

La claridad y gordura del sonido es algo que instantáneamente inspira. Algo muy importante, es que me han ayudado a conservar el oído, ya que ahora no estoy expuesto a los altos niveles de sonido del escenario y side fills. 

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