Dealer Profile | Adam Rhodes Custom Ears | Dubai

What’s the history behind Adam Rhodes Custom Ears? When did the company start?

I have been working in the custom in-ear monitor and hearing protection industry for over 10 years in the UK and USA holding various management positions. I’ve been responsible for product R&D and sourcing through to sales & marketing.

In 2018, I moved to Dubai and started Adam Rhodes Custom Ears servicing the GCC and Middle East. Dubai in particular, is renowned for its fast cars and luxurious lifestyle but it also has a bubbling music scene that is rapidly growing. Not just for big touring acts but also expat or home grown musicians playing bars and clubs.

Accessibility to Ultimate Ears in-ear monitors has been difficult in this region. Potential customers are likely deterred with the added 7me and effort to find a suitable audiologist and then mail ear impressions to the US likely adding about 2 weeks to the overall process. I quickly identified this as one of the biggest reasons for slow growth in the region and plan to break down the barrier to entry by doing free impressions and 3D scanning them to the Ul7mate Ears lab 10,000 miles away. Meaning customers can have their order in production in California the very next day, with less cost.

The paint is s7ll drying on the walls at our offices in Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai. We have a great space here with demo units of all Ul7mate Ears IEMs and we’re ready to go.

Where you located?

Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai which is centrally located and easily accessible. We’re at brand new offices in a really cool community of tech entrepreneurs called AstroLabs, within the DMCC Free Zone. Come by and check it out!

We’ll also make regular visits to Abu Dhabi and other regions within the territory.

Tells us more about your attention to customer service, please.

I can’t think of another product where service is so important as it is with custom in-ear monitors. This is the part I enjoy most about what we do and why I decided the call the company after my own name because it’s a very personal experience. It’s a really cool feeling when someone comes to you knowing that they want CIEMs but no clue which one or how best to get it. Navigating them through the op7ons, taking good ear impressions and seeing it through to the delivery of the finished product is a journey. You can feel the excitement growing as we go through the process. Once the customer has their in-ears, I always encourage them to keep in touch and if they’re a musician, I try to catch a show to see it all in action. The feeling never gets old watching them killing it on stage with in-ears that you created together.

What’s been your favorite UE product or development?

I’m a big UE11 fan. The sub feels so good, it’s as though you’re sitting next to the kick drum. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan of lots of low end normally, it just seems to be the right amount that doesn’t overpower, just impresses. One particular product that UE developed, the Sound Tap, has great potential here in Dubai. There is a lot of bands playing smaller venues where a full wireless transmitter & receiver set up might be too much, this is where the Sound Tap slots in perfectly.

Lastly, what can UE customers expect when they visit Adam Rhodes Custom Ears

Customers can expect to be able to demo all Ultimate Ears products, spending as much time as they like to decide what is right for them. Then we’ll make sure the impressions we do are perfect for a good set of CIEMs. Aside from that, we’ll chat about some local Dubai restaurant recommendations and if the customer is a golfer I can talk about that for hours! But no, seriously I have always ensured that any customer of mine is happy with the entire experience and that’s a promise.

Thanks Adam! You can find Adam Rhodes Custom Ears online at


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