FRIAS | Ultimate Ears Stories

Producer / Engineer FRIAS has worked in the US and Mexico with bands as diverse as Molotov and Syntek. He’s worked both in the studio and in a variety of live settings.

We caught FRIAS during a break in his non-stop schedule and got to ask everything from his history to what it’s like like winning a Grammy™. His answers are also en Español en cursive.

Big shout out to UE’s Jazmin Sandoval for the translations.


How did you find out about UE?

Sound engineers,techs and musicians all over.

Sonido Ingenieros, Técnicos y músicos de todo.


How do you think UE helps with your work?

I think UE are always asking for feedback (reviews) from the musicians and Engineers and techs to get better and better. When you are on stage with the same UE [as your band] you get closer to the point of listening the same as the others.

I mean by this that since you are in a different stage position and with different instruments and different noise surroundings. You are never going to listen the same thing as the other [without good IEMs].

Creo UE siempre están pidiendo retroalimentación ( opiniones ) de los músicos e Ingenieros y Técnicos para mejorar la marca para todos aquellos que están en el escenario usando UE. Quiero decir con esto que cada posición es una etapa diferente y con diferentes instrumentos y diferentes entornos de ruido y diferente depresión nunca vas a escuchar lo mismo que la otra persona.


Tell us what it was like winning a grammy?

Molotov was in South America and I was somewhere in Mexico when the ceremony [happened]. It was a nice feeling. When I got home, my children and wife were so happy for me. But in Mexico nobody cares about a Grammy (but me) when you are not the artist. I think I have to keep on working to do things better every day.

Molotov estaba en América del Sur y yo estaba en algún lugar de México cuando sucedió la Ceremonia [ ocurrió ] . Fue una sensación agradable. Cuando llegué a casa , mis hijos y esposa estaban muy orgullosas de mi. Pero , en México nadie se preocupa por un GRAMMY ( excepto yo ), cuando usted no es el artista la popularidad no es igual. Creo que tengo que seguir trabajando para hacer las cosas mejor cada día .

Read the full interview here

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