FOH Magazine Calls UE 18+ Transient Response "Excellent" Across the Spectrum.

FOH Magazine took the UE 18+ PRO for a spin and liked what they heard:

The UE 18+ Pro’s are packed with functions, features and available accessories/options but ultimately, it all comes down to the listening test. Unlike many of the “musician” style in-ears, which may be intended with a bass bump that appeals to drummers and bassists or a huge mid boost that vocalists and guitarists would like, the UE 18+ Pro’s have a wide, overall frequency response. Stated as 5 Hz to 22 kHz, it’s very linear and quite flat, which is exactly what I need, in terms of my ability to make audio decisions based on the actual program material, rather than something engineered into the response to provide a more flattering “sound.” That said, the upper frequencies are smooth without harshness, yet plenty of detail, the mids are realistically represented and the bottom end is un-hyped.
The UE 18+ Pro’s were comfortable with an accurate fit and the claimed -26 dB of noise isolation seemed right on the money. Transient response — through the spectrum — was excellent. And despite the UE 18+ Pro being a four-way system, I was unable to hear any of the crossover points — possibly a nod to the triple-bore sound channels — but in any event, it works and works well. I like that.

Read the full review at FOH Magazine 

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