"Any singer that can hear themselves will instantly find their performance easier and less stressful" says Emma Hewitt

Emma Hewitt is an EDM singer / songwriter who released her first LP in 2008.

How did you discover Ultimate Ears?

When I started gigging around pretty much all of the great sound guys were recommending Ultimate Ears for stage. I realized I HAD to get some with so many great recommendations. And they truly have been life changing for me!!


Has using custom in-ear monitors helped your performance?

My goodness, I don’t even know what I would do without them now!! Especially when I am performing in super loud clubs -- often standing on top of a load of subs -- it is pretty much impossible to hear anything other than bass and noise! With Ultimate Ears I am able to control the level and EQ of what I am hearing so much better. The molds block out much of the outside noise and the speaker quality is super clear so I am able to hear what I am actually singing…which most definitely helps!!


Was it a hard learning curve getting used to use IEMs?

Not at all! I had used in ear monitors often before -- the quality was just not as great -- so once I first got onto UE it was a breeze! I don’t think in-ear monitors are difficult to get used to at all though. I think any singer that can hear themselves will instantly find their performance easier and less stressful, it is often more a case of making sure there are some nice effects in the ears so the sound is enjoyable to sing to and helps to get you into the right emotional space for performance.


IEMs are not too widespread in EDM just yet. How do you spread the word?

I recommend them to everyone I work with and I know most of the singers in the EDM world have now jumped onto them. It is a case of hearing is believing; a lot of times I mention them to vocalists who may be reluctant, but after the show have had a complete change of heart.


Emma's first single was “Carry Me Away,” a collaboration with British DJ Chris Lake. The single reached number 11 in the Spanish singles charts as well as number 12 in Finland. The single spent a total of 50 weeks in the Billboard Hot Dance Airplay charts in the United States and reached number 1 in December 2007.
At the International Dance Music Awards 2010 “Waiting” was awarded best HiNRG/Euro Track. She was nominated twice in the category Best Trance Track with “Waiting” and “Not Enough Time”.


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